• 徐汇区高邮路5弄 - 一梯两户,闹中净土,优雅居室!
  • 售价: 610 万元    单价:41780.82 元/平米   面积:146平米   房源编号:10020
  • 房型:3房2厅2卫  地址:徐汇区高邮路5弄
  • 性质:多层   装修:豪华装修   所在楼层:2层
  • 更新日期:2010-06-26 卖点分析

    主卧朝南套内主卫,厅南北通透,厨房朝北,带独立卫生间,客卧朝东,客卫朝东,精装,一梯两户,环境优雅,鸟语花香,带个停车位。The main towards the south of north and south lead ,lie with the bathroom mainly, the hall, kitchen faces north, with separate bathroom, crouching to the east, and a hardback the bathroom faces the east, that two and elegant surroundings, singing, with a parking space.